I was 37 weeks pregnant when I first came to Donna for acupuncture, and for anyone who’s been within a mile of a pregnant woman, you know that aches and pains are only the beginning of a vast catalogue of ailments, the later of which aren’t mentionable in even the most unbridled of Unilocal reviews. I came for those. Donna was able to quickly and methodically pinpoint my pain(pun intended), treat it, and make the conditions perfect for me to slip into those glorious acu-happiness naps. The results were instantaneous — each and everything I came for was quickly and lastingly resolved and now I’m officially one of those annoying people who«completely swears by» their acupuncturist. Donna’s not only extremely well qualified(Diplomate of Oriental Medicine for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology) but her kindness, compassion and innate drive to help heal is evident straight away. She’s also just a fantastic person, so that’s always an added bonus, and I truly enjoyed coming in not only for acupuncture, but also to have a quick catch up before and after. It was clear she was interested in my overall health and wellness, not just my physical pain. Above all this, she went above and beyond to work with my International insurance and was extremely flexible with her schedule, even when it entailed coming in on a weekend with only a few hours notice or booking around an unknown newborn feeding schedule. I couldn’t possibly recommend her more highly — Donna is a true healer in every respect.