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Dr. Kurt has been practicing over 16 years dentistry. She is a very well-known cosmetic dentist and proud to be partner of American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
She perfectly passed all rigorous written, oral exam and case presentations to pursue the accreditation with AACD. She has written many articles and given lectures international level to teach other dentist especially in advanced cosmetic, laser, and implant dentistry.
She is proud of partner with SIRONA, which a German state of the art Dental Technology company. With the technology in our office, she manufactures all ceramic E-max crowns, Veneers, Inlays and Onlays in less than 10 min; she can also start to finish a crown in less than an hour. You don’t need to waste your value time on more appointments and more unnecessary efforts and pains.
We use the most advanced X-ray machine which eliminates 99% of radiation to prevent cancer and other complications. Plus, we do not develop the images with chemicals, we are use state of the art X-ray imaging sensors. With that, Dr. Kurt can magnify your tooth condition 50 times or more. This gives her outstanding diagnostic abilities.
Dr. Kurt is one of the top dentists in the Nation in terms of Full-Mouth Rehabilitation. During her career she accomplished over 800 Full-Mouth cases and countless Veneers, Inlays and Onlays. This makes Dr. Kurt one of the most experienced cosmetic, laser and implant dentists in the world.
Established in 1998.
Dr. Kurt specializes in painless, efficient and same-day dentistry.
In a given year, Dr. Kurt takes over 300 continuing education courses, plus giving countless courses and mentorship to other dentists at international level for advanced cosmetic, implant, laser dentistry.
We are proud to offer our patients state of the art, painless dentistry. In our office our patients save tremendous time thanks to our German 3-D Cad/Cam system. We are advanced users of Cerec Omnicam System.
We offer porcelain veneers, Zoom! whitening, dental implants, all on 4 dental implants, all on 6 dental implants, painless dental extractions, composite fillings, all metal-free crowns, bridges, same-day dentistry, root canals, dental hygiene, oral surgery, bone grafting, plasma, sinus graft, and dentures.
We also offer the most advanced laser technology to our patients to correct any gum issues without any pain and major blood loss while providing faster healing.
Dr. Kurt says: «My passion… Your smile!»
Meet the Business Owner
Serena K.
Business Owner
Remember you can have all the degrees int he world but if you do not apply your knowledge you really can’t be considered an expert in your field.
With Dr. Serena Kurt you get the best of both worlds!