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Ahlycea Faye LMT has been practicing for 8 years. She customizes your massage session to best meet your needs. Whether it is focusing in on specific areas or providing an overall relaxing experience, Ahlycea will design the session to your requests. Deep Tissue Massage is her specialty, for those suffering from chronic tension and pain due to injuries, postural deviations and stress. If you are more interested in a Swedish Massage, to decrease tension, improve circulation and relieve stress, Ahlycea is more than capable to give you a massage that will leave you feeling soothed and refreshed. She is able to adjust her pressure to your preference, you will find her touch firm yet gently, and can be very heavy or like a feather depending upon your personal requirements.
Her massage studio is conveniently located in the heart of Copley Square, in Boston. You will have a personalized experience where you are the focus of every session and treated as if you were the only client.
Meet the Business Owner
Ahlycea F.
Business Owner
Born in Boston MA, Ahlycea Faye has been practicing Therapeutic Massage Therapy since 2006. She is a graduate of the National Holistic Institute of Massage Therapy in Emeryville California.
At NHI she embarked in an intensive program of 750 educational hours including Eastern Modalities, Western Modalities, Kinesiology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Pathology.
Today Ahlycea marries intuition, skill and knowledge to guide her work. Treating each client as an individual, she customizes each session to fit the specific needs of each client.
Known for her Deep Tissue and especially treating neck and shoulder issues, she is not shy when it comes to pressure. In contrast she has a nurturing touch and is able to provide a calm and relaxing massage as well. Quite often she combines many techniques during the massage to provide a balance of both a deep and relaxing experience. Add aromatherapy to the session with pure organic essential oils blended into the massage oil and you drift away under