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Our programs are built on a framework of human rights, dignity and compassion, using the tools of common sense, best practices and new technology to push ahead in everything we do. We celebrate our success every day through the practical life examples that inspire hope, promote growth and achievement.
Our services for families and individuals fall under these categories:
Day Services
* Employment and Training
* School to Work Transition Planning
* Career and Community Development
* Health and Wellness Initiative
Day Habilitation Services
* Physical Environments & Technologies
* Community Opportunity (i.e., volunteering, swimming, horseback ridin * g)
* Nursing Team
* Therapeutic Disciplines
o Speech Language Pathology
o Occupational Therapy
o Physical Therapy
o Music Therapy
Autism Services
Clinical Services
Residential Services (including Independent and Shared Living)
The NuPath Mercantile
Established in 1968.
NuPath Inc. was founded in 1968 as the Mystic Valley Association for Retarded Citizens and eventually became known as CMARC (Central Middlesex Association for Retarded Citizens). In those early years we touched the lives of just 35 people a day with a handful of staff. Today NuPath supports more than 300 people each day, working beside you in dozens of communities and living as your neighbors in beautiful homes across 18 cities and towns.
In 2006 we began to hear trickles of complaints about our name from our friends, their families and our staff. There was no ignoring that the name of our beloved organization, CMARC, was an acronym that included the «R» word that had long ago been eliminated from our vocabularies. In time this trickle of unhappiness became a stream of protest then a river of support urging us to join the national movement to eliminate the use of a word that did not reflect value or respect for the community we served.
And so, with the support of our friends, famili