It would be easy to drive on by and not realize it was here. Located in the Northeast corner of Town Center Park, it is a quiet spot in a park that only comes alive during the summer months when the water feature and summer concert series bring the masses to this park. The memorial centerpiece is a 94 foot long Wall of Honor constructed of Carnelian granite and honors the 60,000 Oregonians who fought and the 298 Oregon servicemen who gave their lives in the Korean War. I typically find myself here when I want a little peace and quiet when things are hectic at work. I pick up lunch nearby and have a little picnic by the memorial. It is a nice place to get out of my head and remember when people had really challenges. Our forefathers had the benefit and drawback of living in interesting times. Since today is Veteran’s Day, it seemed like a good time to visit with my boys and pay our respects. There was a veteran at the memorial who was very happy to receive our thanks. He was surprised that one of my boys is relatively well informed about the Korean War and was eager to pepper him with questions. Sometimes taking a few minutes out of your day to say thank you is a very powerful thing.