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Venue scouting and site location
Budget Management
Destination & Travel Management
Vendor Management
Entertainment Management
Contract Management and Negotiation
RSVP/Guest List management
Transportation Management
Design, Décor, Staging Mgt.
Meet the Business Owner
Monica D.
Business Owner
Monica Dolgin was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, but raised in sunny Southern California. Prior to launching Modevents, Inc, Monica’s energetic personality landed her with a career in the entertainment industry. Her first job would be at Universal Studios Online, in which she coordinated the production for their online properties including «The Grinch», «The Mummy», «American Pie» and «The Flintstones». As a former Publicist for Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, she was involved in strategizing comprehensive PR Campaigns & garnering media coverage for over 200 DVD. During her 13-year tenure at Warner Bros., Monica was also involved in planning, implementing & executing special events from coast to coast, including Comic Con International, DVD Launch Events for NHL, NBA, NFL, Martha Stewart, Gilligan’s Island and more. She also handled all the details and logistics for red carpet events, GDD, E3, LEGO, DC Comics & more.