I needed some help working on my Harley, but didn’t want to pay the high price at the dealership. I went on Craigslist and found Glen. He posted that he was a Harley-Davidson Master Mechanic, with over 36 years of experience in So Cal motorcycle dealerships and independent shops. He said he could come to my location, trouble-shoot, service or repair my motorcycle. Glen arrived on time, he provided a binder with his credentials, diplomas, and work history. He has been in the Harley game a long time and really knows his stuff. How cool is it to have a Harley mechanic come to your location to work on your bike? Rather than me going to the dealership, it was like the dealership came to me, and I received the same knowledgeable service. If you want your Harley fixed, and fixed right, give Glen a call. I was more than pleased with his work.