East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District

Portland, United States


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+ Education +

The District has a longstanding commitment to conservation education. We provide free workshops on such topics as: naturescaping, building rain gardens, native plants, pasture management, low-​impact development, septic system maintenance, invasive weed control, and streamside restoration.

+ Technical Assistance +

We provide technical assistance and tools to help people conserve, maintain, and improve their natural resources. Rural landowners and urban landowners along streams are eligible for free site visits. Our conservation technicians specialize in agricultural conservation practices, low-​impact development, and invasive weeds.

+ Financial Assistance +

We offer a variety of grants and cost-​share assistance to help put conservation practices in place. We fund activities that prevent soil erosion, improve soil and water quality, conserve water, and promote watershed health.


Established in 1950.

East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation was founded on October 24th, 1950, after a referendum by 113 landowners in the District. It was originally called the East Multnomah Soil Conservation District (our name used to be easier to say!). Following a national trend in response to the Dust Bowl and Depression of the 1930’s, Oregon passed the Soil Conservation Districts Law in 1939, and the year after, conservation districts began to spring up all over Oregon. 10 years later, Multnomah County formed two Districts to the east and west of the Willamette River; our District covers the eastern half!