Be very very careful about applying for a Michael Hill store credit card. I would advise against it. I was encouraged to do so by the store manager one daywhen i was just browsing in their store(i did apply to take advantage of the 36 month no finance charge promotion). But left the store without making a purchase. A sales associate called me a few times to push me to purchase a bracelet i had looked at. When i told her i did not like the quality of the piece and wanted a different type of bracelet, she said she would get the bracelet i described to the store for me to come and look at. She said«no commitment, don’t worry». I agreed to go into the store to just see the bracelet when it arrived to the store. Well, two weeks later i was aghast to receive a bill from Michael Hill fr $ 3700.00 for a bracelet. Remember, i have not SEEN the bracelet, nor TOUCHED the bracelet, nor agree to any such purcase. Be very careful with this store.