the old man who seems like the owner knows his crafts when it comes to antiques. it seems like this shop has great reputation from their high-end clients and best designers. however after purchasing from the shop a pair of st. james sconces i was deeply disappointed with what my assistant told me. she overheared the old man asking his worker if he put«UL» stickers on the st.james. not only that but the way he spoke to his workers. i trust my assistant and confirmed with a friend who buys mouseman antiques from ann-morris antiques and he said he very disrespectful and refused to go in detail some of the things he heard him say. i took the sconces to someone i was recommend to who is an antique specialist and knows his craft when it comes to english 19th century lighting. the sconces have UL stickers on them, but they are not ULed by a UL certified. Also the lights are nothing close to handmade sconces — which is why i paid so much for the sconces. although this occured a long time ago i am happy to share that i never purchased again from here. it took a few thousand to find out he is a liar that most likely lied to many individuals, but no one questioned because of the creditable reputation.
Tony U.
Place rating: 4 Oakland, CA
Excellent selection of pure butter containers. What amazed me was that this place also included«margerine» platters of equal size. You definitely need not worry about«crying over spilt milk» when you come here! Why? Because this place also offers a nice selection of varying milk pales. I was specifically impressed that they had not only«pure milk» pails, but also containers for pure country milk, milk, new milk, and an unlabeled pail for miscellaneous milk varietals. From wooden table eaters, to grumpy leprecaun mirrors, there are unique and hidden gems found here that are offered nowhere else.