What other city in the world could you see a gay easter parade? What an amazing mix of queens, their friends/family, and supporters! It’s nice that this is the last parade of the day = the easter afternoon ends on a fabulous note. What’s even better is that the parade raises money for charity(this year was the 14th annual). The route is listed on their website. It was nice to watch in the quarter and the streets weren’t so busy, so we ended up getting lots of beads. This was my out-of-towner friend’s first parade in NOLA. They really enjoyed themselves and are now getting psyched up to visit again during Mardi Gras. We all absolutely loved the mix of trucks, groups, carriages/trolleys, and 2x bands. Some of the participants were dressed amazingly. Just another reason why NOLA is amazing. Hint: family friendly parade(beads tossed along with candy and stuffed animals).