I will let my(LOWTRAFFICWRITER’S) review speak for itself. Yes, when eating free, the tone I got was to only write positive things if I were to partake. Thus, he pulled Telepan from under me due to my lackluster prior review so I chose Little Owl but that never came to fruition(even though I had gone prior and gave it 5 stars), as you will see… Key: WF=WanderingFoodie ME=ME(duh) THEGOAL: 93PLATES(JAN2009 — 31DAYS x 3 meals/day) INTRO(COOL) — 2months ago WF: I know you’re not a food blogger per se, but a food personality, definitely. I was wondering if you wanted to come along for a few stops on the tour? KD is a friend of mine and she referred me to you, thought this would be right up your alley. FOLLOWUP(SEMI-COOL) — 2months ago WF: Hey Jeff, do you have any ins with any chefs/gms/owners of restaurants in NYC that might want to get in on the project? At the rate I am getting restaurateurs on board, I will probably be paying for 20 or so meals and I want to pay for 0. Just a shot in the dark, but I figured I will take all the help I can get. Thanks, man PASSESMEONTELEPAN, NEWVENUESELECTION(COOL) — 12÷29÷09 WF: I booked Telepan for the fourth. I went to look at your reviews and saw that you weren’t so psyched about it. I’d like to move our dinner to a different day if that’s OK with you. ME: Appreciate it. I’ll stick with Telepan. May have been an off day at the Tasting Event. WF: Due to the nature of the project and your prior reviews, I would be more comfortable if we were to move the date if that is OK with you. ME: Curious as to what the other options are WF:(Lists about 30 venues) Give me your top three and we’ll be good to go.(I’m not doing this for the other writers, consider yourself lucky :) ME(minutes later): Too lazy to look the others up. Little Owl then. Great place. (insert *crickets* here) FOLLOWUP(NOTCOOL) — 01÷04÷10 ME: Hi, WF, do you have a date set for our dinner yet? (Insert my Facebook add of WF here, writing on his wall to follow up on *crickets* and him asking if I would like to join him for BREAKFAST — too funny) WF’S WRAPUPPARTYEMAIL(UBERUNCOOL) — 01÷13÷10 ME: I never knew we started ATTEMPTTOMAKEGOOD(TOOLATE) — 01÷13÷10 WF: What, you don’t eat breakfast? Where do you work? Could you meet me at 8(AM) at your place near work? ME: From take your pick dinner to no getting back to me to no apology to breakfast at 8am. This makes for a great Unilocal review in of itself. As KD’s(mutual) friend, you are making KD look bad as the buffer. I’m not stupid. far from it. I will pass. Thanks anyway. WF: I had no idea you felt that way, Jeff… had to prioritize high over low traffic writers… everything got thrown off If I can’t make it up to you at breakfast, I’d love to buy you a round at Hill Country to make it up to you on the 31st ME: That’s great but unfortunately I won’t be attending (Insert all the curses you can think of here)