Fenn School

Concord, United States




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Fenn is an independent day school for boys in grades 4 to 9. Boys thrive at Fenn because every aspect of our program is designed around how a boy learns best. Challenging academics, daily athletics and arts. Small class sizes. Generous financial aid. www​.fenn​.org


Established in 1929.

Founded by Roger Fenn, The Fenn School seeks to prepare boys for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and integrity by offering a broad and challenging educational program in a personal community that honors diversity. Inspired by the ideals of honesty, respect, empathy, and courage, and guided by the motto ‘Sua Sponte’, each boy is challenged to accept responsibility for himself, for his own education and for the well-​being of others.

Fenn School also recommends

Nashoba Brooks School

Primary Schools


Secondary Schools



Fenn School says,

«Fenn enjoys a feeder school relationship with Nashoba Brooks which is a co-​ed school from preschool to grade 3, and then is all-​girls grades 4 to 8.»