Everything I mentioned in my previous review has not changed. I’m only updating because, after going here a few more times, this review will address an important thing you should know — parking can be hell and really stressful. On my most recent visit, I wasn’t prepared for the misadventures in the parking lot trying to find a spot. I drove my boyfriend to the Bloomfield office. Luckily for him, he had a driver(me) because without a doubt he would have been late for his appointment. It took me almost an hour to find a «legal» spot. I say legal because there were a few cars and taxis idling in the lot and making their own spots. There were about five cars continuously circling the lot looking for a place to park. The problem is that you have to leave the lot and then reenter it to circle around. It was horrible. Also, some lady tapped the back of my car and just hopped out of her car to go inside the building. The takeaway from this review: If you can, have someone drop you off, get the hell out of there, and then pick you up later.