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Since its creation in Hollywood in 1983, this licensed and accredited school has transformed the way thousands of individuals get their start in film. With six month programs in directing, producing, screenwriting, editing and general production (crew), this institute is geared solely towards enabling hard-working, dedicated individuals get the real-world skills and connections it takes to get their start in the exciting and competitive world of film. Rather than attending lectures, people accepted into this licensed, accredited school get their training hands-on, in a real filmmaking environment. Depending on their focus, their lessons might take place on a film set, a soundstage, a production studio or office, or a post-production facility, learning on-site in the very same place the pros work.
Established in 1982.
This groundbreaking school was founded in Hollywood, California. Since then the school has seen phenomenal success and now boast locations all over the world. Nevertheless, the approach is still one-on-one.