This is one of the best accessory stores I’ve shopped in; I think it may be the color coordination of the store layout that sways me so. Any color outfit that requires a purse, clutch, scarf, earrings, necklace, bracelet, ring, and shiny things for your hair can be found at Charming Charlie. There is so much here that I tend to roam and then focus on one color item and look at every item available in that color. On my most recent visit, I bought three pashminas. I love pashminas and these were so reasonably priced at $ 10 each, that I couldn’t resist. I also bought a pair of pink hoop earrings because I love hoop earrings too! They also have clothing which is intermingled with the accessories. They have very feminine pieces — lots of lace and sheer fabrics. The clothing mostly includes dresses and blouses; I can’t remember ever seeing a pair of pants. When I’m feeling the need to get my girlie glam on, Charming Charlie is a place I visit. P. S. How is it that I’m the first person to review this location!!!