Tinker is a little under the weather. The other day I was cycling down the road and my chain guard fell. I then tried to take off from a green light and my gears slip, I fall over my handle bars and almost get flattened by the 48 bus coming up fast behind me. The line waiting at the bus stop gasped as I dragged myself panting on to the curb. Tinker has also been a little flat recently. Her tyres that is. I have to pump them up most days. So all in all, Tinker is feeling a little sorry for herself. That was, until I wheeled her into Fullcity. Who, with open arms greeted her like a long lost friend. Squeeze her tyres, pinged her cables and generally made her feel like the prettiest bike on the block. I love Fullcity for this reason. They want to spend time on your bike and they want to teach you and show you how you can help your bike too. There is always a gang of couriers willing to pipe-up with opinions and suggestions. By the looks of it, Tinker will be losing her gear and I’m getting her some new inner tubes. With labour and parts, the tyres will cost £11. Billy bargain.