Dr Elston is such a great chiropractor! I come from the States, where my long-time stepmother is a chiropractor. Throughout my childhood and early adulthood, I’d always visit her for a crack here and there for my long-time back and neck issues. When I moved to London and started walking a lot, I found that I had knee and ankle issues! I found Dr Elston and am so glad I did! She offers completely comprehensive adjustments and is really interested in getting to the root of your problems rather than giving you a quick fix. While you may find yourself seeing her every week for a while, after your body starts cooperating, she’ll back you off to adjustments every four to six weeks and perhaps even less than that. The adjustments themselves are relaxing, not evasive or frighteningly crack-y. You definitely don’t leave Dr Elston’s office feeling like just another number on the chiropracty roster. For the first time in my life, despite having a chiropractor as a stepmother, I feel as if my body is in alignment!