This Accessorize is the little one RIGHT next to Baker Street station and as a result, always seems to be packed. The tiny size of it probably doesn’t help. But they have a good range of products, everything from bags, to jewellery, to bikinis, to shoes, to socks and it’s pretty well laid out. They definitely use every single nook and cranny, that’s for sure. I was just after a pair of socks because my shoes were starting to rub and the sales assistant didn’t pressure me into taking advantage of their 3 socks for £7 or whatever it is now and was pretty chatty as she wrapped them in tissue paper. It’s nice to see that you get the same fancy tissue paper treatment no matter what you buy or how much you spend. Just beware of all the stands in the middle. They’re packed in tight so you’ll knock off half the stock if you move too freely. Elbows in, people!