I was expecting my entrance into this place to be impeded by some kind of thrashing brawl or police crime scene tape. Sure, its name is just darling but it does look like the kind of place whose floorboards have a high turnover rate. When I dragged myself into the Rose Vaults, I was glad that none of these things were there to confront me. The shabby décor has a faintly ghoulish quality to it but within seconds we were chatting to a local who seemed friendly enough. He told jokes and humorous anecdotes and for a few minutes seemed like the sort of reliable, intoxicated nutter you often find in neighbourhood pubs. It was only when he began telling us the same jokes ad nauseum within seconds of each other that we sighed a weary sigh and evacuated. I’d recommend never going there for fear of running into the pub bore to end all pub bores.