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Come and instantly enjoy the services provided by one of Richmond Hill’s top nail and beauty salons. Professionals with over 10 years of experience.
All types of nail care and beauty services from spas, waxing and nail art.
Experience why people choose Nice City Nails. So popular that a second salon was opened. You benefit by having shorter waiting periods.
Established in 2001.
The establishment had been in Richmond Hill for over 10 years. However, it wasn’t until Michelle (still presently the owner) bought the ageing nail parlour and transformed it into the well-known beauty and nail salon the residents of Richmond Hill love and enjoy.
Meet the Business Owner
Michelle M.
Business Owner
A single-parent of two kids, Michelle was able to provide for them and all her sisters.
Michelle came from humble beginnings, much like most Canadians. With little schooling and as a single-parent of two kids, she swore to give her kids the opportunities she never had. Moreover, she provided jobs for all her sisters. Motivated by family and opportunities presented by her new home, she single handedly changed the lives of her children and her family. Of course she realizes that for the good fortune she has come across is directly related to the customers and friends in Richmond Hill. She is constantly thankful for them everyday and it shows through her work and how she treats every customer, friend and family.